
unusual facts about Paul Reuter

Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran

It was established in 1885 with a concession from the government of Persia to Baron Julius De Reuter, under a Royal charter from Queen Victoria.

A Dispatch from Reuter's

-- It's spelled "Reuter's", not "Reuters", in the opening credits, despite the poster and lobby card. !--> is a 1940 biographical film about Paul Reuter, the man who built the famous news service that bears his name.

Guglielmo Stefani

Agenzia Stefani (Agenzia Telegrafica Stefani) was founded by Stefani in Turin, Italy in 1854, at a time when news agencies were also being established in other major European cities: Charles-Louis Havas established the Havas agency in Paris in 1836, Dr. Bernard Wolff established an agency in Berlin in 1849, and Paul Reuter established Reuters in London in 1858 (relocating from Aachen, where it had been established in 1851).

see also