The Pig Scrolls (2004), by Paul Shipton, is a young adult comedy adventure novel about a talking pig (Gryllus) and his endeavours to save the world.
The Pig Who Saved the World is the sequel to The Pig Scrolls, both of which have been written by Paul Shipton.
Pope John Paul II | Paul McCartney | Paul Simon | Paul Newman | Pope Paul VI | St Paul's Cathedral | Paul | Jean-Paul Sartre | Peter Paul Rubens | Paul Robeson | Paul Anka | St. Paul | Paul Hindemith | Paul Revere | Paul Weller | Paul Klee | Saint Paul | Paul Kelly | Paul Cézanne | John Paul Jones | Paul Ryan | Paul Gauguin | Paul Oakenfold | Jean Paul Gaultier | Paul the Apostle | Paul Keating | Paul Auster | Pope John Paul I | Paul Martin | Paul Whiteman |
He has drawn his distinctive illustrations for authors of children's books from Britain, Germany and the Netherlands, including, in addition to Julia Donaldson, Jon Blake, Paul Shipton, David Henry Wilson, Uwe Timm, Paul van Loon and Toon Tellegen.