
3 unusual facts about Peace News

Caledonian Road, London

Housmans Bookshop, specialist radical book and magazine retailers established in 1945, can be found here at No.5, as well as the offices of Peace News and the small anarchist organisation London Greenpeace, the people behind the McLibel Trial.

Hugh Johnstone

He became known when he was identified (by the radical magazines Peace News and The Leveller) as the much-publicised anonymous witness Colonel B in the ABC Trial in 1978.

Milan Rai

As well as being a co-ordinator of anti-war group Justice Not Vengeance, Rai is co-editor with anti-war artist Emily Johns of the London-based monthly magazine Peace News.

Arthur Wragg

In the 1920s he contributed mostly to various women's illustrated magazines, but later branched out into book-jackets and work for left-wing newspapers such as The Tribune and Peace News (including cartoons) and illustrations for books and pamphlets about Christian socialism, pacifism and social justice.

Hugh Brock

Hugh Brock (1914 - 1985) was a lifelong British pacifist, editor of Peace News between 1955 and 1964, a promoter of nonviolent direct action and a founder of the Direct Action Committee, a forerunner of the Committee of 100.

Trinh Cong Son

Trịnh Công Sơn wrote over 500 songs, and, during the 1960s and 1970s, Trần Văn Dĩnh dubbed him the Bob Dylan of Vietnam in Peace News of 8 November 1968 for his antiwar songs.

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