
5 unusual facts about Peenemünde

Anders Rudolf du Rietz

He won distinction in this war, capturing the Anclamen Feler fort, protecting the Swedish siege of Peenemünde and obtaining the advantageous capitulation of the Prussian forces at Demmin by Field Marshal Johann von Lehwaldt.


During World War II a radio listening post was set up in Rectory Lane by the Telecommunications Research Establishment (TRE) to monitor enemy communications, which was instrumental in locating the German V-2 rocket base in Peenemünde that was subsequently bombed by the RAF in Operation Crossbow.


During the 10th and 11th centuries, Peenemünde was part of the region of Circipania, an area settled by the Circipanes, a West Slavic tribe constituent of the Lutici federation.

German scientists such as Wernher von Braun, who worked at the V-2 facility, were known as "Peenemünders".

Walter Bruch

-- This needs a reliable source, as according to more recent research in Germany, some of the achievements Bruch was credited for were actually the work of other co-workers, in--> During World War II he operated a closed-circuit television system installed at the Peenemünde launch site, so that the V-2 rocket launches could be watched at a safe distance from a bunker.


Peenemünde |

Arnold Strippel

Strippel then served in Majdanek near Lublin Poland, Ravensbruck, then at Peenemünde on the Usedom peninsula, in the Karlshagen II forced labor camp, the site of V-2 rocket production and launches.

Battle of the V-1

The film tells the story of a Polish Resistance group which discovers details of the manufacture of the German V-1 'Flying Bomb' at Peenemünde in 1943.

Heinz Vinke

On 17/18 August 1943, Royal Air Force (RAF) Bomber Command targeted Peenemünde and the V-weapons test centre.

Information Centre for History and Technology, Peenemünde

In the mid-1960s, building on his technical experience from Peenemünde, Wernher von Braun was able to design the Saturn V rocket for NASA that was used to fly to the moon.

No. 61 Squadron RAF

the attacks on Le Creusot and Peenemünde (17 October 1942 and 17/18 August 1943, respectively);

Sperenberg Airfield

At the start of World War II, it again was developed as a military testing and development facility, and was the first site where Wernher von Braun tested his rockets, before the research was moved to Peenemünde.

Test Stand VII

After Operation Hydra bombed other areas of Peenemünde in 1943, the P-7 blockhouse roof was reinforced, and in a 1944 raid, the blockhouse occupants suffered one injury when a periscope fell.

Werner Dahm

Werner Karl Dahm (February 16, 1917 Lindenthal, Germany – January 17, 2008 Huntsville, Alabama) was an early spaceflight scientist of the Peenemünde Future Projects Office who emigrated to the US under Operation Paperclip and was the Marshall Space Flight Center Chief Aerodynamicist.

see also