Created by Peg Lynch (born 1916), who scripted and portrayed Ethel, the series first aired on local Minnesota radio in the early 1940s before a run on NBC, CBS and ABC from May 29, 1944, to August 28, 1950.
Ethel and Albert returned in 1963-1964 on NBC's Monitor program and played on National Public Radio's Earplay in 1973.
David Lynch | Merrill Lynch | George Lynch | Lynch | George Lynch (musician) | Jessica Lynch | Stan Lynch | Peter Lynch | Jay Lynch | Evanna Lynch | John Lynch | Bruce Lynch | Bet Lynch | Arthur Alfred Lynch | Valeria Lynch | Shane Lynch | Scott Lynch | Peg Woffington | Lynch (surname) | Colin Lynch | Château Lynch-Bages | Brian Lynch | Bill Lynch | Scott Lynch (author) | Ross Lynch | Peg Leg Sam | Patrick Lynch | Patrick C. Lynch | Marc Lynch | lynch |