Directed by George C. Wolfe with costumes by Karen Perry, set design by Ricardo Hernandez, lighting by Jules Fisher and Peggy Eisenhauer, the cast included Savion Glover, Duquesnay, Gaines, and Dule Hill.
He has been in a professional partnership with lighting designer Peggy Eisenhauer since 1985, and they formed Third Eye Ltd, a firm specializing in entertainment and theatre lighting.
Peggy Lee | Peggy Guggenheim | Peggy Seeger | Peggy Rockman Napaljarri | Peggy Olson | Peggy Noonan | Peggy Ashcroft | Peggy Thorpe-Bates | Peggy Hopkins Joyce | Peggy Guggenheim Collection | Peggy Griffin | Peggy Sue Got Married | Peggy Sue | Peggy Glanville-Hicks | Peggy Ann Bradnick | Peggy Shippen | Peggy Parratt | Peggy Michel | Peggy McCay | Peggy Lee Leather | Peggy Lee (cellist) | Peggy Fortnum | Peggy Fleming | Peggy Eisenhauer | Peggy Connelly | Peggy Bulger | Peggy Taylor | Peggy Sue (singer) | Peggy's Theme | Peggy Stern |