
unusual facts about Penal code

General Santander National Police Academy

The courses focused on instruction on civility, Colombian geography, Colombian constitution, Police code, Penal code and proceedings, typing, topography, Forensics, organisation and documentation, leadership school, military doctrine, Equestrianism and Hippology.

Hari Singh Gour

Solitary confinement had been abolished in England and Gour claimed that it would be in keeping with the civilized culture of India to wipe out this kind of punishment—an inhumane mark ironically left by the British colonialists themselves in the Penal Code.

San Luis Obispo Mardi Gras controversy

Additionally, in February 2005, state bill SB 337 was introduced in California by State Senator Abel Maldonado, calling for the immediate dismissal of "any student convicted, pleading guilty to, or being adjudicated a delinquent minor with respect to specified rioting provisions of the Penal Code."

see also

Abortion in El Salvador

In an article published in the April 9, 2006 edition of the New York Times Magazine, writer Jack Hitt explored the effect of 1998 Penal Code.

Abubakar Hamza

He was charged under the Prostitution and Immoral Acts law of the Sharia penal code, which was reintroduced in Kano in 2000.

Ali al-Omair

On December 10, 2007, the parliament passed a bill, supported by Al-Omair and Faisal Al-Muslim Al-Otaib, which amended the penal code so that anyone "imitating the appearance of a member of the opposite sex" could be jailed for up to a year or fined up to 1,000 dinars.

Atatürk's Reforms

The leading legal reforms instituted included a secular constitution (laïcité) with the complete separation of government and religious affairs, the replacement of Islamic courts and Islamic canon law with a secular civil code based on the Swiss Civil Code, and a penal code based on that of Italy (1924–37).

California Penal Code

The actual drafter of the New York penal code was commissioner William Curtis Noyes, a former prosecutor.

French Penal Code of 1791

It was France's first penal code, and was influenced by the Enlightenment thinking of Cesare Beccaria and Montesquieu.

I Apologize campaign

The Şişli 2nd Criminal Court Judge Hakki Yalçinkaya ordered that the 'özürdiliyoruz.com' site should be shut down and that the signatories should to be punished under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, an article which makes it illegal to insult Turkey, the Turkish ethnicity, or Turkish government institutions.

Johanna Braach

In the Third Ravensbruck Trial, also called the Uckermark process,(14th to 16 April 1948), Braach and Toberentz were indicted of being part of the SS female guardians, also called Wardresses (Aufseherinnen, SS-Gefolge) under British military penal code in the Hamburg Curiohaus, together with three other female relatives.


The results of the trial was the conviction of artist Yūji Suwa in January 2004 (on the charges of violating article 175 of the "National Penal Code", the Penal Code of Japan, which forbids creating and distributing "indecent" materials).

Paragraph 175

In the course of his conquests, Napoleon exported the French Penal Code beyond France into a sequence of other states such as the Netherlands.