
unusual facts about Penfield

Penfield, Georgia

Today, the village of Penfield is distinguished by the Greek Revival architecture of Old Mercer Chapel, community churches, town cemetery, and Victorian homes that flourished until 1919 when the prosperity built during the "Cotton Era" was ended by the boll weevil.

Add Penfield

At the behest of famed Duke football coach Wallace Wade, the Atlantic Radio Network gave Penfield the opportunity to broadcast games while he was still a student.

Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital

Penfield's technique for epilepsy neurosurgery became known as the Montreal procedure.

Premotor cortex

Graziano and colleagues suggested an alternative principle of organization for the primary motor cortex and the caudal part of the premotor cortex, all regions that project directly to the spinal cord and that were included in the Penfield and Woolsey definition of M1.

Project Solarium

MGEN James McCormack USA, John C. Campbell, MGEN John R. Deane USA (Ret.), Calvin B. Hoover, Col. Elvin S. Ligon USAF, Philip E. Mosely, James K. Penfield

Randolph Evans

Torsney's attorney maintained this illness was the automatism of Penfield, named for neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield.

Salisbury railway station, Adelaide

A more limited peak hour service to Penfield continued after the war, serving staff at the government Weapons Research Establishment later to become the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO).

Samuel Penfield Taylor

Samuel Penfield Taylor (October 9, 1827, Saugerties, New York—January 22, 1886, San Francisco, California) was an entrepreneur who made his fortune during the California Gold Rush.

Sensory processing

Dr. Wilder Penfield and his colleague Herbert Jasper developed the Montreal procedure using an electrode to stimulate different parts of the brain to determine which parts were the cause of the epilepsy.

see also