After Julian and Esme have sex in the Crane mausoleum, Viki stabs Julian multiple times in the groin, completely severing his penis.
The case of John and Lorena Bobbitt, for example, was popularly known for Lorena Bobbitt cutting off the penis of her husband, John, out of rage after he allegedly raped her, though he claimed it was for revenge when she discovered his infidelity.
On July 11, 2003, in Dongfang, Hainan, China, a woman used a fruit knife to cut off the penis of her 40-year-old husband Huang.
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In 1994, the John and Lorena Bobbitt case, in which a wife cut off the penis of her sleeping husband, seized the attention of media in the Philippines, which reported that a similar incident had occurred in Cebu the previous November.