
8 unusual facts about Pentagon

A Door Marked Exit

Olivia uses the Fitz Phone when she realizes the president is holding her father in the basement of the Pentagon.

Arthur Trudeau

He was named Chief of Army intelligence in October 1953 but was relieved of his command 20 months later when Allen W. Dulles, Director of Central Intelligence, sent a scathing memorandum of complaints to the Pentagon.

Margaret Staib

Staib was posted to the Pentagon between 1998 and 2000 on exchange with the United States Air Force working on strategic procurement initiatives with industry, supply chain integration and technology.

Matt Urban

On July 18, 1980, he was presented the Bronze Star Medal (second oak leaf cluster), the Legion of Merit, and the Purple Heart (sixth oak leaf cluster) by the US Army and the Croix de guerre with silver-gilt star by a representative from France during a special ceremony at the Pentagon.

Patricia Schroeder

The office of the clerk of the House of Representatives shares that "from her seat on the Armed Services Committee, she once told Pentagon officials that if they were women, they would always be pregnant because they never said 'no'."

Sir! No Sir!

Vietnam veterans who became antiwar activists or joined the over 500,000 soldiers who the Pentagon listed as deserters during the war; the leader of the Presidio 27 Mutiny, also known as the Presidio mutiny; and soldiers who went on strike while in Vietnam among others, including Hollywood activist Jane Fonda.

Soldier's Medal

In 2001, the U.S. Army awarded an unprecedented number of Soldier's Medals (28) to personnel who risked their own lives to assist their fellow comrades in the wake of the September 11 attack on the Pentagon.

The Atomic Submarine

Governments temporarily close the pole to traffic and convene an emergency meeting at the Pentagon.

9/11 Heroes Medal of Valor

The center has a dark blue-enamelled pentagon (representing The Pentagon), with a gilt disc bearing the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the American eagle holding the shield of the United States and laurel, and the date "9. 11. 01".

Anti-Gag Statute

After 1.7 million federal employees and contractors acquiesced by signing SF 189, Pentagon whistleblower Ernie Fitzgerald sparked a legislative and legal counterattack by refusing to do so.

Aras Habib

Chalabi's Pentagon connection, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, decided to close off funding following emerging disclosures that some of Chalabi's INC aides supplied sensitive information about U.S. security operations in Baghdad to the Iranian government.

Art Olivier

The movie's plot centered around a group of American government insiders that organized and assembled a group of people to attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.


I believe it to have been the Pythagorean pentagon (Fünfeck) of health and prosperity: ...

Canton Jones

The club performed for celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Stevie Wonder, Dr. Bobby Jones and Ray Charles, as well as performing at high profile events such as the opening ceremony of the 1996 Olympic Games and at the first gospel concert ever held at the US Pentagon.

City Choir of Washington

In February 2011, local businesses and chorus members sponsored tickets for Pentagon families affected by 9/11 and high school and college students as part of the organization’s community outreach efforts.

Code Name: Diamond Head

The substance was being secretly created by a top battalion of Marines at the request of a Pentagon official.

Defense Distinguished Service Medal

The medal is gold in color and on the obverse it features a medium blue enameled pentagon (point up).

Denice Denton

When it was discovered that protest was listed as a "credible threat" on the TALON database managed by the Pentagon's Counterintelligence Field Agency, Denton helped persuade California Senators Boxer and Feinstein to request an investigation.

Destination Gobi

A flummoxed Pentagon okays the requisition, and the chieftain leads Widmark's band to Okinawa.

Donald Kalish

He was also an organizer of the 1967 March on the Pentagon to protest the Vietnam War and his activities were prominently chronicled in Norman Mailer's The Armies of the Night (1968).

Exit strategy

The term was used technically in internal Pentagon critiques of the Vietnam War (cf. President Richard Nixon's promise of Peace With Honor), but remained obscure to the general public until the Battle of Mogadishu, Somalia when the U.S. military involvement in that U.N. peacekeeping operation cost the lives of U.S. troops without a clear objective.

General Electric/Rolls-Royce F136

Citing the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009, the GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team submitted an unsolicited fixed-price offer for the F136 to the Pentagon on 28 September 2009.

Geoffrey Kemp

In the late 1970s, Kemp became a Consultant to the Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation in the Pentagon working for Paul Wolfowitz, the Persian Deputy Assistant Secretary.

Government Accountability Office investigations of the Department of Defense

Representative Thomas M. Davis, R-Virginia, asked the Pentagon to present 11 documents relating to contracts in Iraq, among them papers that would prove whether Halliburton benefited from its association with Cheney.

Jason Gatson

His knee injuries were featured on the season 2 8th episode on Impact: Stories of Survival, titled "Pentagon Survivor".

Jeffrey D. Gordon

In his position as Pentagon spokesman, on July 25, 2009 Gordon wrote to a senior editor at The Miami Herald, reporting what he characterized as sexual harassment by its reporter Carol Rosenberg, whose beat is the Guantanamo detention camp.

John E. Osborn

His father was a lawyer, and his maternal grandfather was a prominent airline industry executive who also worked in the Pentagon and was close to former U.S. Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson.

Kay Granger

The amendment should continue to restrict the Pentagon from entering into new contracts with Russia’s state arms broker Rosoboronexport.

Klemperer rosette

In Larry Niven's novel Ringworld, the Puppeteers' "Fleet of Worlds" is arranged in such a configuration (5 planets spaced at the points of a pentagon) which Niven calls a "Kemplerer rosette"; this (possibly intentional) misspelling (and misuse) is one possible source of this confusion.

Konarka Technologies

Konarka also received nearly $10 million in combined grants from the Pentagon and European governments, and in 2007 was approved for further funding through the Solar America Initiative, a component of the White House's Advanced Energy Initiative.

Lawrence Franklin espionage scandal

These Pentagon-approved meetings were brokered by neoconservative Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute, who had also played a part in Iran-Contra

Mary Kelly

Mary Louise Kelly, National Public Radio's senior Pentagon correspondent

Media coverage of the Gulf War

The policy had been spelled out in a Pentagon document entitled Annex Foxtrot.

Militant Liberty: A Program of Evaluation and Assessment of Freedom

Militant Liberty: A Program of Evaluation and Assessment of Freedom is a United States Department of Defense project that aimed to utilize information operations and resources at the Pentagon’s disposal to counteract the ideological threat of Communism during the Cold War.

Mishal Husain

She has interviewed many high-profile figures including Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy US Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Pentagon adviser Richard Perle and Rwanda's President Paul Kagame.

Moscow Mission

They are a hacker girl who once broke through Pentagon servers, a former special operative officer who enjoys speed and adrenalin, psychologist, a lady whose beauty outshines her intelligence and her rank of major, and a blind field engineer whose sense of smell and intuition substitute for his eye sight...

Pentagon rapid response operation

A Pentagon memo seen by the Associated Press news agency said the new unit would "develop messages" for the 24-hour news cycle and aim to "correct the record".

Phi Sigma Tau

The emblem of Phi Sigma Tau is in the shape of a pentagon; each of the five angles contains a symbol that represents one of the five streams of world thought: Chinese, Indian, Islamic, Hebrew, and Greek.

Project AGILE

Japan Times and Okinawa Times published accounts from an unnamed official claiming that "Pentagon had tested defoliants in the island’s northern jungles near Kunigami and Higashi villages."

Raven Rock Mountain Complex

Other designations and nicknames include "The Rock", NMCC-R (for National Military Command Center Reservation), ANMCC (for Alternate National Military Command Center), AJCC (for Alternate Joint Communications Center), "Backup Pentagon", or "Site RT"; the latter refers to the vast array of communication towers and equipment atop the mountain.

Restricted stations of Line 1, Beijing Subway

There is a secret bunker-like facility used as an underground command centre by the Chinese military dating back to the 1950s (similar to the Pentagon), thus rendering this part of the Western Hills inaccessible to the public.

Ruth Sergel

Voices of 9.11 – A video oral history archive with over 550 testimonies from survivors, witnesses and first responders in New York, Shanksville, PA, Washington DC and inside the Pentagon of the September 11 attacks recorded in private video booths to be published on-line.

Terrorism in New Zealand

In another case, a man named Rayed Mohammed Abdullah Ali was deported from New Zealand after being linked to the hijacker of American Airlines Flight 77 which hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

Tysons Corner Communications Tower

Another tower just south of the Raven Rock Mountain Complex in southern Pennsylvania relayed signals from these two backup sites to the Washington defense facilities, along with the Pentagon, White House, the State Department and other government facilities.

Urban terrorism

The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Pennsylvania after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. in an attempted attack on the United States Capitol Building.

Virginia State Route 110

The highway is sometimes closed for large events held at or around the Pentagon, including the Marine Corps Marathon.

Viva Max!

Max instructs him to contact the Pentagon and report the fort to be back under Mexico's control.

Walter Short

The resolution stated they had performed their duties “competently and professionally” and that the Japanese attacks were “not a result of dereliction of duty.” "They were denied vital intelligence that was available in Washington," said Senator William V. Roth Jr. (R-DE), noting that they had been made scapegoats by the Pentagon.

When Willie Comes Marching Home

Officers from the Pentagon arrive to return him to Washington to be decorated personally by the President of the United States.

White House Chief Usher

The current and ninth Chief Usher is Angella Reid, a former general manager of the Ritz-Carlton at Pentagon City, Virginia.

William Dyess

There was also added speculation that Dyess' story was in actuality suppressed by both a Pentagon and White House fearful that an infuriated American public would demand a greater prosecution of the Pacific War (the United States and its allies were operating under a "Europe First" strategic policy).

see also