... So it is that Scaliger and Minturno prescribe five acts, and that Castelvetro ... points out that poets seem to have found the five-act form most suitable.
The idea was widely imitated, the number five being seen as having mystical significance; for example, the 16th-century poet Faizi, the poet laureate of Akbar's court, attempted a work on the same scale, but completed only three of the intended five parts.
Kalfayan Galleries, Athens; Pentalogy, Omikron Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus; Diego Garcia, Centre of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki and Picture This Atelier Space, Bristol; Falling in Place, Elefsina Cultural Center, Greece.
In Peter Berling's pentalogy The Children of the Grail and in Julia Navarro's La sangre de los innocentes, the siege of Montségur is described.
In the Demon Princes pentalogy by Jack Vance the currency 'SVU' or Standard Value Unit was described as being employed on most major settled worlds and having a value equivalent to one hour of common labor.