
unusual facts about Pentapolis


The most important was Cyrene and its port Apollonia, Ptolemais (the next capital after Cyrene's destruction by an earthquake), Barca (the later Arab provincial capital Barka), Balagrae (by Bayda) and Berenice (modern Benghazi); also known as the Pentapolis inferior ('lower P.').

Coptic Orthodox Church in Africa

The jurisdiction of the Church of Alexandria extended, as per Canon law of the First and Second Ecumenical Councils, to the Province of Egypt, Nubia and Pentapolis.


Pentapolitana (or rarely Pentapolis) was a league of townsin the Middle Ages of the five most important Hungarian royal free cities (Latin: libera regiae civitas, Hungarian: szabad királyi város, German: Königliche Freistadt; Slovak: slobodné kráľovské mesto) of the Kingdom of Hungary; Kassa (today Košice), Bártfa (Bardejov), Lőcse (Levoča), Eperjes (Prešov), and Kisszeben (Sabinov) .

Roman Libya

In 96 BC Rome peacefully obtained Cyrenaica (left as inheritance by the king Ptolemy Apion) with the so-called sovereign Pentapolis, formed by the cities of Cyrene (near the modern village of Shahat), its port of Apollonia, Arsinoe (Tocra), Berenice (near modern Benghazi) and Barce (Marj), that will be transformed into a Roman province a couple of decades later in 74 BC.

see also