This Act enables simplified procurement procedures where the procurement is limited, facilitates reliance of Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technology, and promotes the use of fixed-price Performance Based Contracting.
performance art | Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance | Royal Variety Performance | performance | Performance | French-based creole languages | Royal Command Performance | Performance art | Historically informed performance | Command Performance | Performance Today | Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language | Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance | Evidence-based medicine | Audi Performance and Racing | Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures | Pride of Performance | Performance Space 122 | Performance (film) | performance-enhancing drugs | Performance attribution | Laurie Anderson (performance artist) | Holley Performance Products | Grammy Award for Best R&B Instrumental Performance | Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance | Commons-based peer production | Athletes' Performance | Web-Based Enterprise Management | School-Based Health Centers | Performance Racing Network |