
2 unusual facts about Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language

Oxygen XML Editor

It also can use the NRL and NVDL routing languages, which allow multiple schemas of different types to be applied to different files.

For validation purposes, the documents can be validated against DTD, W3C XML Schema, RELAX NG, Schematron, NRL and NVDL schemas.

Andreas Troeger

In 1996-1998 he programmed and co-designed the Internet political art project namespace, which was designed to unstrain the Internet from special interest's control and expanded the artificial limitation of TLDs imposed on the Internet users by Network Solutions and IANA.


In PHP version 5.3 and higher, the backslash is used to indicate a namespace.

Declarative programming

Such systems, typically using a domain-specific XML namespace, may include abstractions of SQL database syntax or parameterised calls to web services using representational state transfer (REST) and SOAP.

Global Namespace

Global Namespace technology can virtualize file server protocols such as Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol and the Network File System (NFS) protocols.


In GNS, each user manages his own master zone which is mapped into the DNS namespace under the .

see also