Persian | Persian language | Persian people | Persian Gulf | Persian literature | Persian Cossack Brigade | Anglo-Persian Oil Company | No One Knows About Persian Cats | Persian traditional music | Persian Language | Persian Iraq | Salman the Persian | Persian miniature | Persian Letters | Persian carpet | Greco-Persian Wars | Arab states of the Persian Gulf | Persian War | Persian mythology | Persian music | Persian Constitutional Revolution | Old Persian | Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals | Kintō's 36 female poetry immortals | Eight Immortals | 1921 Persian coup d'etat | The Immortals of Meluha | Roman–Persian Wars | Persian Wikipedia | Persian units of measurement |
Persia: The Persian army of Darius III is made up of a variety of troops, from poorly equipped masses of infantry and archers, to quality cavalry and elite units like the Immortals, as well as mercenaries from Greece and Phrygia.