
unusual facts about Persis Solo

Football Association of Indonesia

On April 19, 1930, almost all non-national organizations, such as Voetbalbond Indonesische Jakarta representing Jakarta, BIVB Bandung,), PSIM Yogyakarta, PPSM Madiun, IVBM Magelang, SIVB Surabaya, and VVB Solo gathered at the final meeting and established Persatoean Sepak Raga Seloeroeh Indonesia (Football Association of Indonesia or PSSI) with Soeratin as the first leader.


Some of Dutch East Indies prominent football club, like VIJ Jakarta, BIVB Bandung, IVBM Magelang, MVB Makassar, SIVB Surabaya and VVB Solo, met and discuss about the future championship on the Netherlands territory.

see also