
unusual facts about Persoonia

Glutinoglossum heptaseptatum

Glutinoglossum heptaseptatum was described in 2013 in a paper by mycologists V. P. Hustad, A. N. Miller, T. M. Dentinger and P. F. Cannon published in Persoonia.

North Rothbury, New South Wales

The town is home to a small population of the critically endangered North Rothbury Persoonia (Persoonia pauciflora).

P. longifolia

Persoonia longifolia, the long-leaf persoonia or snottygobble, a small tree species found in Western Australia

Persoonia hirsuta

First collected by John White in the vicinity of Port Jackson (Sydney) in 1794, Persoonia hirsuta was described by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon in his 1805 work Synopsis Plantarum.

see also