This first show premiered Wednesday, October 13 at 11:30 PM, ET/PT and showcased Margera, Dunn and skateboarder Tim O’Connor doing the “The Tough Guy Challenge” in the Perton, Staffordshire, near Wolverhampton, England.
In 1523 it was sold to James Leveson, a merchant from Wolverhampton, and it eventually passed down to Richard Leveson, a sailor, who served aboard the Ark Royal in the English Navy and who fought against the Spanish Armada.
In 1972, the Mander family sold the site of the airfield to a private developer for £5.5 million, with the first houses being occupied within a couple of years and Perton being firmly established as a major residential area by the mid-1980s, by which time some 11,500 people were living there.
Perton |
Perton subsequently gained admission to practice law in five states and in 1987 gained a Diploma of Chinese Law from Peking University in the People's Republic of China.
Perton attended Catholic schools, later studying economics and law at Monash University, Melbourne University and Peking University.