
unusual facts about Pestilence

Consequences of War

Pestilence and Famine: These effects of war are depicted as monsters accompanying Fury Alekto in order to heighten the terror of the scene.

Baeda Maryam I

Cholera (or some other pestilence) broke out among his men, depressing him further, resulting in his withdrawal to Tigray.

Bauan, Batangas

Five years after the establishment of the ecclesiastical mission of Bauan, a giant cross made of anubing, a local hardwood was found in a dingin (a place of worship) near the town of Alitagtag that was said to have protected people of Bauan from pestilence, locusts, droughts, volcanic eruptions, and Moro raids.


Cholera (or some other pestilence) broke out among his men, depressing him further, resulting in his withdrawal to Tigray.

Richard Farnham

Farnham added in an appendix an explicit denial that he claimed to be Christ or Elias, or that he had prophesied a shower of blood, but insisted that he foresaw a long drought, pestilence, and war.

The Crow: Wicked Prayer

Along with their three confederates "Pestilence" (Yuji Okumoto), "Famine" (Tito Ortiz), and "War" (Marcus Chong), Luc and Lola murder Lily and Jimmy in a brutal ritual that they hope will conjure the rebirth of the Antichrist.

Tommy Talamanca

In 2011, Talamanca and Dutch fretless bassist Jeroen Paul Thesseling (former member of Pestilence and Obscura) announced that they formed a new project named 'Nufutic', that will incorporate a wide range of music, including a fusion of Death Metal, jazz fusion, flamenco, etc.

Ulrich von Hutten

In 1508, 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica reports him a shipwrecked beggar on the Pomeranian coast, while the New International Encyclopedia describes him as stricken down with the pestilence and recovering.

see also