Today, in addition to its Boston office, AlgoSec has sales offices in London and Singapore, and a Research and Development Center in Petah Tikva, Israel and London.
Two additional teams joined the league: The Petah Tikva Troopers joined the South Division and the Northern Stars joined the North Division.
They had immigrated from Poland and had at first lived and worked at Ein Ganim near Petah Tikva, awaiting the opportunity to settle and make their contribution in Eretz Israel.
The kibbutz is named for the three workers from Petah Tikva who were accused of espionage during World War I (Palestine was then under the rule of the Ottoman Empire), and were sent to a prison in Damascus.
Born in Petah Tikva during the Mandate era to a Russian Jewish family, Gozansky studied in Russia, gaining an MSc in Economics from Leningrad State University.
Born and raised in Petah Tikva, Israel, Galily graduated (M.Sc) from Clark University (Worcester, MA, USA) in 1996 and wrote his doctorate (Ph.D), under the supervision of Ken Sheard and Eric Dunning, at the Centre for Research into Sport and Society in Leicester University (UK, 2001).
Yehoshua Stampfer (1852–1908), one of the founders of Petah Tikva in Israel