
unusual facts about Peter Blake

Derek Boshier

He appeared with Peter Blake, Pauline Boty and Peter Phillips in Pop Goes the Easel (1962), a film by Ken Russell for the BBC's Monitor series.

Evelyne Axell

Axell went with Antoine to London for filming and met Allen Jones, Peter Phillips, Pauline Boty, Peter Blake, Patrick Caulfield, and Joe Tilson.

I Was Lord Kitchener's Valet

Peter Blake, the artist who designed The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover, said that he and Paul McCartney got the idea for the record sleeve while they were walking together past the shop.

Ken Elias

In April 2013, Elias' work was included in a major exhibition at the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, titled Pop and Abstract, alongside work by David Hockney, Peter Blake, Allen Jones, Bridget Riley and others.

Liverpool Sound Collage

Asked by artist Peter Blake to create something musical and with a Liverpool spirit to it, in order to complement his concurrent artwork exhibition, McCartney ended up harking all the way back to session chatter by The Beatles (hence their "involvement") and using snippets of his 1991 classical piece Paul McCartney's Liverpool Oratorio.

P-class yacht

This class is famous for being the sailing trainer vessel for many new entrants into the sport, and virtually every famous New Zealand yachtsman, including Sir Peter Blake and Russell Coutts, learnt to sail in one.

Peter Boizot

At PizzaExpress and the jazz clubs he commissioned pop artists such as Sir Peter Blake, Eduardo Paolozzi and Enzo Apicella to fill the walls of the establishments.

Tate Etc.

Articles: Peter Blake's A-Z polaroids, Paula Rego's illustrations for Jayne Eyre, Tom Morton on Tate Modern's 'Common Wealth' exhibition, Alan Davie: Myth & Gesture, Turner Prize: Justin Westover photographs the shortlisted artists.

see also

Brotherhood of Ruralists

The group was founded when Peter Blake and his then wife Jann Haworth moved to Wellow, having obtained permission to convert Wellow's disused Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway station into a house.