
unusual facts about Peter Davies

Peter Davies

Peter Llewelyn Davies (1897–1960), basis for the character of Peter Pan, publisher

see also

Institute of Welsh Affairs

As at November 2010, the Board members were Eurfyl ap Gwilym, Guy Clarke, Rhys David, Geraint Talfan Davies (Chairman), Peter Davies, Sue Essex, Nigel Griffiths, Gerald Holtham, Megan Mathias, Rob Humphreys, Robert Jolliffe, Ruth Marks, Chris O'Malley, Wendy Sadler, Professor John Tucker, Sir Adrian Webb, Dr. Ruth Williams and Professor Laura McAllister.

The Approach Gallery

Artists represented by The Approach include: Phillip Allen, Helene Appel, Matthew Brannon, Cris Brodahl, Alice Channer, Stuart Cumberland, Peter Davies, Patrick Hill, Evan Holloway, Inventory, Germaine Kruip, Rezi van Lankveld, Edward Lipski, Dave Muller, John Stezaker, Mari Sunna, Evren Tekinoktay, Sara VanDerBeek, Gary Webb, Martin Westwood, Sam Windett