
unusual facts about Peter Murphy

Beirut Rock Festival

The first Beirut Rock Festival took place in Forum de Beirut (Karantina) on the 11,13,14 of November 2009 with international bands such as Anathema, To/Die/For, Peter Murphy, Agua de Annique, Yann Tiersen and local bands such as Eileen Khatchadourian, Tristmoon and Weeping Willow.

Gothic Beauty

Issues have included interviews with such Goth and Goth-friendly musicians as Alice Cooper, Diamanda Galás, KMFDM, Rasputina and Peter Murphy.

Matthew Seligman

Matthew has always played a black Fender Jazz bass as his first choice instrument, and in addition uses an Ibanez with a C-ducer contact mic placed on the neck, close to the neck/body junction, for his fretless work primarily with Thomas Dolby, but also Peter Murphy and, more recently, in an ambient collection recorded with Japan/Hong Kong based musician Jan Linton for the Sendai Earthquake relief fund, due to be released by Entropy Records in 2012.

Terl Bryant

In 1986, he joined Peter Murphy as a member of The Hundred Men and in 1992 he joined Dave Bainbridge, Dave Fitzgerald and Joanne Hogg in their band, Iona.

see also

Conor McAnally

The executive producer of Over The Wall Peter Murphy introduced him to British Pop duo Ant & Dec and he became their producer for The Ant & Dec Show at the BBC, Ant & Dec Unzipped at Channel 4, SM:TV Live and CD:UK at ITV.

Murphy v. Millennium Radio Group LLC

After New Jersey radio station WKXW 101.5 copied onto its website a magazine picture of two of the station’s talk show hosts, Craig Carton and Ray Rossi, the photographer of the picture, Peter Murphy, brought a suit against station owner Millennium Radio Group, as well as Carton and Rossi.

Scott Rumana

Due to the recent conviction of disgraced former Passaic County Chairman Peter Murphy and the resulting "corruption costs you money" campaign of the Democratic Party, Rumana finished fourth behind incumbents Jim Gallagher and Lois Cuccinello and newcomer Sonia Rosado in the 2000 election, losing his seat as the Republicans were left with two seats on the board.

Should the World Fail to Fall Apart

All tracks composed by Peter Murphy and Howard Hughes (Stephen Betts); except where indicated