
3 unusual facts about Peter Petreius

Peter Petreius

Peersson-Petreius was confident that Tsarevich Dimitri was indeed killed in Uglich in 1591; like Isaac Massa, he condemned Boris Godunov for arranging the murder, yet Persson's story contains an unrealistic scene of an arson in Uglich and Moscow, set up simultaneously to cover up the crime.

The book was based exclusively on Peersson's own experience and on the oral narratives by contemporary Russians (Vasily Shuysky, Maria Nagaya and the retinue of False Dmitriy I) and Western witnesses (Caspar Fiedler, Conrad Bussow).

Peer Peersson was born in the family of Uppsala Cathedral priest; his father, Per-Benedict Persson, later became the Bishop of Västerås and Linköping.

see also