
2 unusual facts about Petrom

Aleix Alcaraz

In 2007, Alcaraz contested both the Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0 and Italian Formula Renault 2.0 series with the Petrom District Racing AP team, alongside current Formula Two racer Mihai Marinescu.

Costești, Vaslui

On 20 March 2010, Realitatea TV, together with Petrom, MaiMultVerde, Romsilva and the Vaslui County Council, planted 25,000 saplings on an area of 5 hectares in Chiţcani.


Petrom |

Skifska gas field

It was discovered in 2012 and developed by a consortium consisting of Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil, Petrom and Nadra.

see also