
unusual facts about Petrozavodsk

Anatoli Ivanishin

Since 1992, he served as a senior fighter pilot in the 159th Fighter Aviation Regiment based in Petrozavodsk, Karelia, part of the 6th Air Army.

Carron Company

The British government tried to prevent the company from supplying plans and equipment to the Russian Empire, intended to improve Catherine the Great's weapons foundry at Petrozavodsk; nonetheless, Gascoigne delivered the Russian's orders, and travelled to Russia in May 1786 to supervise the works.

Genrich Altshuller

He settled in Petrozavodsk (Karelia in north-western Russia) with his wife and granddaughter.

Institute of International Programs of PetrSU

Institute of International Programs of PetrSU - structural subdivision of Petrozavodsk State University, PetrSU (Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation).

Jan Kryjevski

He also founded the young Russian Artists Club in Vologda and started an exhibition for young artists in Petrozavodsk, Archangel, Leningrad, and Ufa.

Sonya-class minesweeper

A total of 72 ships were built by Uliis yard in the Vladivostok and Avangard yards in Petrozavodsk between 1971 and 1991.

Tim Cope

In January they undertook a 4 week cross-country ski trip in the Khibiny Mountains, and in February they returned to Petrozavodsk to intensively study the Russian language for 6 weeks.

Tim and Chris set off from Petrozavodsk on the shore of Lake Onega in October 1999.


Another railway line passing through Volkhov connects Chudovo in the south and Lodeynoye Pole, Petrozavodsk, and ultimately Murmansk in the north.

see also