
2 unusual facts about Petrus Ramus

Petrus Ramus

Freedman, Joseph S. Philosophy and the Arts in Central Europe, 1500-1700: Teaching and Texts at Schools and Universities (Ashgate, 1999).

Richard A. Lanham

The so-called weak defense (which Quintilian makes as well as Ramus) suggests that rhetoric is separate from philosophy and one first becomes a good person and then can add good speaking on top (158).

Christopher von Dohna

He translated several scientific works, as well as Petrus Ramus' De militia C.J. Cæsaris and Abraham Scultetus' De curriculu vitae sue narratio apologetica.

Friedrich Risner

He was a student of Petrus Ramus (1515-1572) and was the first chair of mathematics at Collège Royale de France.

see also