
unusual facts about Phalanx


Bit-Phalanx is a Netlabel based in London, which started as an artists and events management for unsigned performing and recording artists within the Electronic music genre in 2006.

Battle of Pandosia

Second, the battle marked the first time in over a hundred years that the massively successful Greco-Macedonian phalanx battle formation saw defeat.

Bokosuka Wars

It revolves around a leader who must lead an army in phalanx formation across a battlefield in real-time against overwhelming enemy forces while freeing and recruiting soldiers along the way, with each unit able to gain experience and level up through battle.

Extrinsic extensor muscles of the hand

Opposite the metacarpophalangeal joint each tendon is bound by fasciculi to the collateral ligaments and serves as the dorsal ligament of this joint; after having crossed the joint, it spreads out into a broad aponeurosis, which covers the dorsal surface of the first phalanx and is reinforced, in this situation, by the tendons of the Interossei and Lumbricalis.

Francesco del Cossa

Apparently a sign of springtime's prolific blossoming, the crowded rows of babies mass like a phalanx of infantile Rockettes.

Infantry in the Middle Ages

Alexander the Great combined both methods in his clashes with the Asiatic horseman of Persia and India, screening his central infantry phalanx with slingers, archers and javelin-men, before unleashing his cavalry against the enemy.

Interphalangeal articulations of hand

The presence of chondroitin and keratan sulfate in the dorsal and volar plates is important in resisting compression forces against the condyles of the proximal phalanx.

In the PIP joint, extension is more limited because of the two so called check-rein ligaments, which attach the volar plate to the proximal phalanx.

Legio I Italica

In the aftermath of the Roman–Parthian War of 58–63, Emperor Nero levied the I Italica with the name phalanx Alexandri Magni ("phalanx of Alexander the Great"), for a campaign in Armenia, ad portas Caspias - to the pass of Chawar.

Phalanx CIWS

Because of their distinctive barrel-shaped radome and their automated nature of operation, Phalanx CIWS units are sometimes nicknamed "R2-D2" after the famous droid from Star Wars.


A second probable manual phalanx exhibits a "low rounded projection resembling a callus." Ralph Molnar considered the occurrence of three pathologies in one individual to be "noteworthy".

Salvo combat model

Defensive firepower represents air defense missiles such as the Standard, as well as anti-aircraft guns such as the Phalanx.


The sarissa-wielding phalanxes were vital in every early battle, including the pivotal battle of Gaugamela where the Persian king's scythe chariots were utterly destroyed by the phalanx, supported by the combined use of companion cavalry and peltasts (javelineers).

Terasawa Junsei

For the sake of Peace in Europe shortly before the Berlin Wall Fall conducted seven day prayer without food and water on the grave of Karl Marx, burned his finger phalanx and made alone Peace March from Warsaw to said Wall.

see also