
unusual facts about Phare

Elżbieta Bieńkowska

Bieńkowska began her administrative career working in the Business Department of the Silesian Voivodeship, where she was involved in the local application of the EU's Phare programme.


Phare |

Daniel Barbu

In 2004, the European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF) notified the Romanian Government about irregularities found in a Phare programme headed by Daniel Barbu, as dean of the Faculty of Political Science.

Descendants of Smith

Harper sent out 3 promo versions of his single "Laughing Inside" using anagrams of his own name; 'Per Yarroh' a Norwegian classical avant garde composer, 'Rory Phare' a lounge lizard and trendy art designer and 'Harry Rope' a Hells Angel.

La Vieille

The actor Jean Rochefort acted as patron for a 2005 documentary, Phare de la Vieille.

Lucian Croitoru

In 2002, Croitoru became a consultant for USAID and IRIS, as well as for Phare.

The Light at the End of the World

The Lighthouse at the End of the World (Le Phare du bout du monde), the 1905 Jules Verne novel

see also