
6 unusual facts about Philadelphia Naval Shipyard

Marion Schultz

Schultz was a Russian-born American citizen who worked as a mechanic in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard and was the Chair of the United Russian Committee for Aid to the Native Country (Russian War Relief) and Slavic organizations.

Philadelphia Naval Shipyard

Clothing manufacturer Urban Outfitters consolidated its Philadelphia headquarters on the site, while Tasty Baking Company, makers of Tastykakes, has moved their bakery to the 26th Street side of The Yard.

Other companies there include Iroko Pharmaceuticals, Aker Philadelphia Shipyard, Rhoads Industries, Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), Energy Efficient Buildings Hub (EEB Hub), RevZilla.com, and Mark Group, Inc.

Senator Arlen Specter charged that the Department of Defense did not disclose the official report on the closing.

The planned closing was unsuccessfully litigated to the US Supreme Court in Dalton v. Specter.

PNS Ghazi

On 27 May 1960 she entered Philadelphia Naval Shipyard for an overhaul which continued through October 1960.

see also