The English records of this period contain no reference to Bragg, but in a set of Irish military entry-books, commencing in 1713, which are preserved in the Four Courts, Dublin, his name appears as captain in Primrose's regiment, lately returned from Holland to Ireland; his commission is here dated 1 June 1715, on which day new commissions were issued to all officers in the regiment in consequence of the accession of George I.
Philip II of Spain | Philip K. Dick | John Philip Sousa | Fort Bragg | Philip II | Philip Roth | Philip IV of Spain | Philip II of Macedon | Philip | Philip Bradbourn | Philip Catherine | Billy Bragg | Prince Philip | Fort Bragg (North Carolina) | Philip V of Spain | Philip Pullman | Philip Sheridan | Philip Larkin | Philip IV of France | Braxton Bragg | Philip the Good | Philip Sidney | Philip Marlowe | Philip IV | Philip III of Spain | Philip Hammond | Melvyn Bragg | Philip Webb | Philip Seymour Hoffman | Philip the Apostle |
Member Philip Bragg, who built Suhaili, the first yacht to sail solo non-stop around the world, died in 1984.