The admiral died quite suddenly and in the full swing of his literary activity on 13 October 1899, at Steeple Court, Botley, Hants.
The Great War of 1892 was a story of the genre termed "Invasion Literature" written by Admiral Philip Howard Colomb in which he sought to alert Britain to what he saw as the weakness of the Royal Navy.
Philip II of Spain | William Howard Taft | John Howard | Howard Hughes | Philip K. Dick | Howard Stern | John Philip Sousa | Howard University | Ron Howard | Philip II | Philip Roth | Philip IV of Spain | Howard Dean | Howard Hawks | Philip II of Macedon | Philip | Howard Zinn | The Howard Stern Show | Robert E. Howard | Philip Bradbourn | Philip Catherine | Prince Philip | Philip V of Spain | Howard Shore | Howard Carter | Howard | Howard Baker | Philip Pullman | Philip Sheridan | Philip Larkin |