He also wrote biographical game collections of Paul Morphy (Morphy's Games of Chess (1916) and Morphy Gleanings), Rudolf Charousek (Charousek's Games of Chess (1919)), and Harry Nelson Pillsbury (Pillsbury's Chess Career, with W. H. Watts, 1922), and other important books such as A Century of British Chess (1934) and Championship Chess (1938).
Philip II of Spain | Sergeant | Philip K. Dick | John Philip Sousa | Philip II | Philip Roth | Philip IV of Spain | Philip II of Macedon | Philip | Philip Bradbourn | Philip Catherine | Prince Philip | Philip V of Spain | sergeant | Philip Pullman | Philip Sheridan | Philip Larkin | Philip IV of France | Philip the Good | Philip Sidney | Philip Marlowe | Philip IV | Philip III of Spain | Philip Hammond | Philip Webb | Philip Seymour Hoffman | Staff Sergeant | Philip the Apostle | Philip Ruddock | Philip Massinger |