Phred would lead "Doug" with a certain introduction (i.e. Phred reading his cue cards and stopping between certain points because a fly was on the card).
Starting with Illumina 1.3 and before Illumina 1.8, the format encoded a Phred quality score from 0 to 62 using ASCII 64 to 126 (although in raw read data Phred scores from 0 to 40 only are expected).
Sanger format can encode a Phred quality score from 0 to 93 using ASCII 33 to 126 (although in raw read data the Phred quality score rarely exceeds 60, higher scores are possible in assemblies or read maps).
If present, the ASCII value of the character minus 33 gives the mapping Phred quality of each of the bases in the previous column 5.
After Cro, we return to Phred who does the closing (i.e. Big Voice getting instant messenger and annoying Phred and Phred accidentally letting a virus go into the computer).