
unusual facts about Physical Society

Jun-ichi Nishizawa

He is a Fellow of several other institutions, including the Physical Society, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Polish Academy of Sciences.

see also

Duncan Haldane

His awards include Fellow of the Royal Society of London; Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston); Fellow of the American Physical Society; Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK); Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; winner of the Oliver E. Buckley Prize of the American Physical Society (1993); Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellow (1984–88); Lorentz Chair (2008), and Dirac Medal (2012).

François Frenkiel

He was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Harry Atwater

Atwater is an MRS Fellow and has been honored by awards including the 2012 ENI award for Renewable and Non-Conventional Energy; MRS Kavli Lecturer in Nanoscience in 2010; Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Award, 2010; Joop Los Fellowship from the Dutch Society for Fundamental Research on Matter in 2005, A.T. & T. Foundation Award, 1990; NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1989; IBM Faculty Development Award, 1989-1990; Member, Bohmische Physical Society, 1990; IBM Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1987.

Louis Aubert-Roche

In 1839, William Brooke O'Shaughnessy (1809-1889) of the British East India Company published a treatise called On the Preparation of the Indian Hemp or Gunja, Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bengal.

Nasser Ashgriz

-- article Phillips Laboratory says it was located at Kirtland Air Force Base in Washington! --> He has received several awards including the Ralph Teetor Award from Society of Automotive Engineers (1988), The Best Picture Award, from the American Physical Society (1988), the Best Paper Award, from the Combustion Institute (1992), and TOKTEN Award from the United Nations Development Program (1995).

Padma Kant Shukla

He is Fellow of the American Physical Society, Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK), and Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Scotland, UK), a Foreign Member of the Physics Class of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and an Associate Fellow/Member of TWAS-the World Academy for the Advancement of Sciences in the Developing World (Trieste, Italy).


Physical Review X, a scientific journal published by the American Physical Society

Robin M. Hochstrasser

1998 brought him two chair positions, one was at the Chemical Physics division of the American Physical Society, the other one was at the Biophysical Chemistry division of American Chemical Society.

Rutherford Medal

Rutherford Medal and Prize of the Council of The Physical Society (Institute of Physics, UK)