
18 unusual facts about Theosophical Society

Anagarika Dharmapala

Along with Henry Steel Olcott and Helena Blavatsky, the creators of the Theosophical Society, he was a major reformer and revivalist of Ceylonese Buddhism and very crucial figure in its Western transmission.

Dharmasoka College

It is one of the educational institute supported by the Buddhist Theosophical Society led by Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, and accordingly is one of Sri Lanka's oldest schools.

Dynam-Victor Fumet

After a turbulent voyage to South America where he was hired as a conductor, he came back to Paris and married into a family close to the founder of the Theosophical Society, Hélène Blavatsky.

Ely Place, Dublin

No. 3 Ely Place Upper was the residence in the 1890s of Frederick and Annie Dick, and it became the meeting place of the Theosophical Society.

FairyTale: A True Story

When she comes home after attending a meeting of the Theosophical Society, where she hears stories of angels and all sorts of ethereal beings, she finds Arthur reviewing the prints in disbelief, but she thinks they are real.

Frederick Leigh Gardner

His interest in occultism elevated him to join the Freemasons, the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (becoming the librarian) and the Theosophical Society (1884).

G. H. Pember

Three particular religious movements were pinpointed as being examples of the spiritual deception that are characteristic of the biblical signs of the end times: the Spiritualist churches, the Theosophical Society, and Buddhism.

Gabriel von Max

From 1879-1883, Gabriel Max was a professor of Historical Painting at the Munich Academy; he also became a Fellow of The Theosophical Society.

Halcyon, California

The Temple of the People was founded in Syracuse, New York in 1898 by William Dower and Francia LaDue, members of the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society.

Linda Lappin

In The Etruscan, her first novel, Harriet Sackett, a feminist photographer, travels to Italy to photograph Etruscan tombs for the Theosophical Society.


A statue of Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, the founder of the Theosophical Society and the first well-known person of European ancestry to make a formal conversion to Buddhism is located in Maradana.

Olcott Estate

Olcott Estate is the administrative headquarters of the Theosophical Society in America.

Ponnambalam Ramanathan

He was closely associated with Col. Henry Olcott, the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, in promoting Buddhist education in schools.

Princess Helene Dolgoruki

Nadya Fadeyev (1829-1919 unmarried) and member of the Council of the Theosophical Society

Both of her surviving children also became authors, Helena Blavatsky most famously as the founder of the Theosophical Society in 1875, and her sister Vera Zelihovsky as a writer of children's stories.

Reginald John Campbell

In February 1911 he again caused a stir when he announced at a meeting of the Theosophical Society in London that he believed in reincarnation, and that he believed that when Jesus returned for the Second Coming he would be reincarnated.

Rishi Valley School

Rishi Valley was born with the idea of starting a world university, conceptualised by Annie Besant, President of the Theosophical Society, in 1925.

S. Subramania Iyer

Having been greatly interested in spirituality and the study of religion he became interested in the Theosophical Society which he formally joined soon after his retirement.

Ekai Kawaguchi

He was a friend of Mrs. Annie Besant, President of the Theosophical Society, who encouraged him to publish the English text of his book, Three Years in Tibet.

Indian Home Rule Movement

Between 1916 and 1918, when the war was closing, prominent Indians like Joseph Baptista, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, G. S. Khaparde, Sir S. Subramania Iyer and the leader of the Theosophical Society, Annie Besant decided to organize a national alliance of leagues across India, specifically to demand Home Rule, or self-government within the British Empire for all of India.

Leeds Arts Club

The Leeds Arts Club, founded by Leeds school teacher Alfred Orage and Yorkshire textile manufacture Holbrook Jackson, was an iconoclastic organisation that mixed radical socialist and anarchist politics with the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, Suffragette Feminism, the spiritualism of the Theosophical Society and modernist art and poetry into a heady mixture.

Pizza effect

The founders of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott, were influenced by Eastern religions, then placed their headquarters in Adyar, Chennai, from where they spread their views within India.

William Quan Judge

William Quan Judge (April 13, 1851 – March 21, 1896) was a mystic, esotericist, and occultist, and one of the founders of the original Theosophical Society.

The organization originating from the faction of Olcott and Besant is based nowadays in India and known as the Theosophical Society - Adyar, while the organization managed by Judge is known nowadays simply as the Theosophical Society, but often with the specification, "international headquarters, Pasadena, California".