
unusual facts about Physical cosmology

Cyril Domb

Domb began writing his views reconciling the apparent contradictions between science and Judaism in 1961, when The Jewish Chronicle of London asked him for a 1000-word article on how Jewish teachings accord with the Big Bang and Steady State cosmological theories.

Ivan Aničin

Ivan Aničin, (born 25 March 1944 in Bor, Serbia, Yugoslavia) is Yugoslav and Serbian nuclear physicist, particle physicist, astrophysicist, and cosmologist, university Full Professor and Distinguished (teaching/research) Professor of scientific institutes in Belgrade (Serbia), Bristol (United Kingdom), Grenoble (France), and Munich (Germany).

Jaan Einasto

From 1952, he has worked as a scientist at the Tartu Observatory (1977–1998) Head of the Department of Cosmology; in 1992-1995, he was Professor of Cosmology at the University of Tartu.

Martin Rees, Baron Rees of Ludlow

From 1992 to 2003, he was Royal Society Research Professor, and from 2003 Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics.

see also


Multiverse, or megaverse, any hypothetical set of multiple universes described in physical cosmology and other disciplines