
2 unusual facts about Piñero

Miguel Algarín

Algarín, Miguel Piñero, and other poets rented a location on East 6th Street and named it the Nuyorican Poets Café.

In the movie Piñero, about the life of Miguel Piñero, directed by Leon Ichaso and starring Benjamin Bratt, Algarín is portrayed by the actor Giancarlo Esposito.

Carlotta Nillson

She was probably best remembered by audiences of that time for her performances as Mrs. Elvsted in Hedda Gabler opposite Minnie Maddern Fiske, the title role in Pinero's Letty and Rhys Macchesney in the Rachel Crothers play, The Three of Us, over its long run at the Madison Square Theatre.

Edith Craig

In 1895 her performances in Pinero's Bygones and Charles Reade's The Lyons Mail respectively were praised by George Bernard Shaw and Eleonora Duse.


Pinero is mentioned in passing in the novels Time Enough for Love and Methuselah's Children when the practically immortal Lazarus Long mentions having been examined and being sent away because the machine is "broken".

see also