
unusual facts about Piarist


Bílá Voda

Jakob Ernst von Liechtenstein-Kastelkorn, the later Bishop of Olomouc, established a Piarist college on his inherited Bílá Voda estates in 1723, a response to the 1707 Convention of Altranstädt granting religious freedom to the Silesian Protestants.

Johann Josef Loschmidt

The first was a Bohemian priest, Adalbert Czech, who persuaded Loschmidt's parents to send young Josef to high school in the Piarist monastery in Schlackenwerth and, in 1837, to advanced high-school classes in Prague.

Konarski Secondary School in Rzeszów

In 1785, after the First Partition of Poland Austrian authorities removed the school from Piarist control and changed the name to Rzeszów's Ober-Gymnasium.

Luigi Ferrarese

Born at Brienza, in the province of Potenza, from Nicola and Antonia Contardi, he received his first education in a Piarist school in Naples, studying Italian literature, Greek and Latin.

see also