
3 unusual facts about Piazza San Marco

Antonia Sautter

In three boutiques situated just behind Piazza San Marco (Saint Mark's Square) in Venice, Antonia Sautter sells her fashion creations – Fashion Venetia, hand dyed and hand printed silk velvet fabrics, shoes and bags, and home furnishings all following traditional Venetian artisan methods.

Giovanni Antonio Antolini

He designed grandiose Neoclassical projects such as the Foro Bonaparte in Milan, which was never executed, and plans for the Procuratie buildings on St Mark's Square in Venice, which were modified and completed by others.

In 1815, Antolini's plans for the rebuilding of the west end of St Mark's Square in Venice, where the old church of San Geminiano and extensions of the Procuratie Vecchie and Procuratie Nuove were demolished as part of Napoleonic schemes for alterations to the Piazza, also ran into trouble.

Ponte delle Guglie

For those arriving on foot from Piazzale Roma or the Venezia Santa Lucia railway station, the bridge leads into the area of the Venetian Ghetto and the Strada Nova that leads to Piazza San Marco.

see also

Doge of Venice

Francesco Sansovino described such a procession in minute detail in 1581, and his verbal description is confirmed and complemented by Cesare Vecellio's 1586 painting of a ducal procession in the Piazza San Marco.

Michael Somoroff

Somoroff’s "Absence of Subject", his homage to the legendary photographer August Sander, was chosen as the only exhibit to be placed on Piazza San Marco during the 2011 Venice Biennale in the long artistic history of the city.