
4 unusual facts about Pinaceae


The ratio of retene to cadalene in sediments can reveal the ratio of the genus Pinaceae in the biosphere.


The gnepine hypothesis is a modification of the gnetifer hypothesis, and suggests that the gnetophytes belong within the conifers as a sister group to the Pinaceae.


Caterpillars of Declana from New Zealand, also tentatively placed in the Nacophorini, have been found on Myrtaceae (eucalyptus, Kunzea and Leptospermum), Pinaceaelarches (Larix), pines (Pinus, notably Monterey Pine, P. radiata) and Coast Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) –, and southern beeches (Nothofagaceae).


Meyrick reported that larvae fed on rotten wood or bark of Pinaceae and other trees.


Pinaceae |

ATP citrate lyase

The enzyme is composed of two subunits in green plants (including Chlorophyceae, Marchantimorpha, Bryopsida, Pinaceae, monocotyledons, and eudicots), species of fungi, Glaucophytes, Chlamydomonas, and prokaryotes.

Cronartium ribicola

The aecial hosts are white pines (Pinus subgenus Strobus, family Pinaceae) and the telial hosts include wild and introduced currants and gooseberries (Ribes, family Grossulariaceae), and two genera of the Orobanchaceae, Pedicularis and Castilleja.

Pinus merkusii

The population in central Sumatra, between 1° 40' and 2° 06' S latitude, is the only natural occurrence of any member of the Pinaceae south of the Equator.

Pinus sibirica

Pinus sibirica, or Siberian pine, in the family Pinaceae is a species of pine tree that occurs in Siberia from 58°E in the Ural Mountains east to 126°E in the Stanovoy Range in southern Sakha Republic, and from Igarka at 68°N in the lower Yenisei valley, south to 45°N in central Mongolia.

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