
unusual facts about Pincer


Pincer ligand, a terdentate, often planar molecule that tightly binds a variety of metal ions.


Pincer ligand |

Amba Alagi

The initial attacks on the approaches to Amba Alagi by British troops under Major-General Mayne from the north, commenced on May 4 with a pincer from the eastern and western sides.

Battle of Krasny Bor

The 55th Army's objective was to break open the vital Leningrad-Moscow Highway, starting from its jump-off position in Kolpino towards Tosno; it was to join-up with a northbound pincer attack of the 54th Army of the Volkhov Front, thereby encircling German formations in the Mga sector.

Gerhard Boldt

Hitler ordered Steiner to attack the northern flank of the huge salient created by Zhukov's breakthrough; and the German Ninth Army, commanded by General Theodor Busse, which had been pushed to the south of the salient, was ordered to attack northward in a pincer attack.


According to The Washington Post Gulan lead one of the pincer movements in December 2001 that unsuccessfully tried to capture Osama bin Laden, and prevent his escape from Tora Bora to Pakistan.

Michael von Kienmayer

The French tried to catch Kienmayer in a pincer, with Jérôme advancing from Leipzig and Jean-Andoche Junot moving from Frankfurt am Main.

Operation Undeniable Victory

They intended to use a pincer movement to encircle Iraqi forces around the Iranian town of Shush, which was under Iraqi control.

Rotem Crisis

In Al-Ahram on February 1, Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, friend and advisor to president Nasser, wrote that Egypt had declared a state of emergency and moved its forces to the border, where "The two armies constitute an effective pincer against Israel."


On the route from Sari to Amul, the Sarbadar army was trapped in a pincer movement, and Mas'ud was taken prisoner and executed.

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