The eggs are laid on the leaves of various species of Piperaceae (Piper tuberculatum, Piper auritum, Piper umbellatum, etc.), of which the caterpillars feed.
Truman George Yuncker(March 20, 1891 - January 8, 1964) was a taxonomic botanist and was best known for his work in the Piperaceae field.
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including Oreopanax, Gesneriaceae, Ardisia, Myrsine, Piperaceae, Solanum, Ludwigia and Clavija species.
Piper lolot (lolot) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its leaf which is used in Lao and Vietnamese cuisine as a flavoring wrap for grilling meats, namely the thịt bò nướng lá lốt sausages of Vietnam.