
4 unusual facts about Plaisance of Antioch

Plaisance of Antioch

Plaisance, supported by a majority of the nobles, was accepted as acting regent and then appointed her former father-in-law John of Ibelin (lord of Arsuf) to rule as bailiff in her place; he had already been bailiff before her arrival and both Bohemund and John of Jaffa had hoped the presence of Plaisance and Hugh would eliminate the need for another bailiff.

Pope Urban may have issued a papal bull to Plaisance expressing his disapproval of her relationship, Audi filia et.

Plaisance re-married to Balian d'Ibelin, Lord of Arsuf, the son of Jean d'Ibelin, Lord of Arsuf, but they divorced and had the marriage annulled in 1258.

War of Saint Sabas

In this they had the support of the new bailiff, Plaisance of Cyprus, Bohemond VI of Antioch, and the Knights Templar.

see also