:Not to be confused with the anime series Please Teacher!.
Please Teacher was a 1937 British film, based on a play by KRG Browne, Bert Lee and RP Weston.
This school is based upon the Old Matsumoto High School located in Agatanomori Park of Matsumoto, about an hour south of Lake Kizaki on the JR Ōito Line.
teacher | Parent-Teacher Association | Head teacher | Teacher | Great Teacher Onizuka | Hot for Teacher | The Spanish Teacher | Teacher's Pet (TV series) | Teacher's Pet | Carry On Teacher | Teacher's College | Port Loko Teacher's College | Please Teacher! | head teacher | Why Shoot the Teacher | The Teacher's Back | teacher's college | Teacher's Aides | Teacher of Righteousness | Teacher Man | Teacher in Space Project | Teacher Education | Teacher education | Teacher Development Trust | substitute teacher | Stord Teacher's College | Southwest Missouri State Teacher's College; later becoming Southwest Missouri University in 1972 | Ron Jones (teacher) | Northwest Missouri State Teacher's College | National Council for Teacher Education |
Yōsuke Kuroda, the game's scenario writer, worked on series including Please Teacher!, s-CRY-ed, and Trigun.