
2 unusual facts about Poisson Distribution

Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution

A full Bayesian estimation approach has been used with MCMC sampling implemented in WinBugs with non-informative priors for the regression parameters.

Georg Rasch

His work in this field began when he used the Poisson distribution to model the number of errors made by students when reading texts.

Stochastic simulation

The Poisson Distribution depends on only one parameter, λ, and can be interpreted as an approximation to the binomial distribution when the parameter p is a small number.

A poisson-distributed random variable is usually used to describe the random number of events occuring over a certain time interval.

see also

Quantum chaos

The system becomes more chaotic as dynamical symmetries are broken by increasing the quantum defect; consequently, the distribution evolves from nearly a Poisson distribution (a) to a Wigner distribution (h).