
unusual facts about Politecnico di Milano

Antonio Citterio

Citterio graduated in architecture at the Politecnico di Milano and since 1972 has worked for many leading manufacturers such as Ansorg, B&B Italia, Flexform, Flos, Iittala, Hansgrohe, Inda, Sanitec Group, Kartell, Arclinea and Vitra.

ESET Technical School of Engineering

CEU Cardenal Herrera University’s students on the Industrial Design and Product Development Engineering degree course at CEU-UCH presented its work with the rival proposals from five of the best Design schools in the world: Université du Québec à Montréal from Canada; Lahti University of Applied Sciences from Finland; Hochschule Hannover, Germany; Politecnico di Milano from Italy and Strate Collège from France who organized the competition.

Franco Albini

A native of Robbiate, near Milan, Albini obtained his degree in architecture at Politecnico di Milano University in 1929 and began his professional career working for Gio Ponti.

Gianfranco Ferré

Born in Legnano, Italy, he received a degree in architecture in 1969 at the Politecnico di Milano university.

Paolo Schianchi

He teaches at the Politecnico di Milano, and is a leading representatives and theorist of Visual marketing a branch of study that connects image and product.

Subhasish Dey

Dey has offered courses on turbulent flow, sediment transport and scour in different universities of various countries, such as the University of Hong Kong, Università di Pisa, University of Calabria, Politecnico di Milano, University of Florence, University of Oulu, Instituto Superior Técnico, National Chung Hsing University etc.

Zdeněk Bažant

He has supervised 60 PhDs in addition to receiving six honorary doctorates of his own (ČVUT 1991, TU Karlsruhe 1997, CU Boulder 2000, Politecnico di Milano 2001, INSA Lyon 2004, and TU Vienna 2005).

see also

Angelo Mangiarotti

Angelo Mangiarotti taught at Istituto Superiore di Disegno Industriale of Venice (1963–64), University of Hawaii (1970), Ecole Politecnique Fédérale of Losanna (1974), University of Adelaide and South Australian Institute of Technology of Adelaide (1976), Architecture of Palermo (1982), Architecture of Florence (1983) and Architecture of Politecnico di Milano (1989–90).