Zdeněk Pavel Bažant (born December 10, 1937) is McCormick School Professor and Walter P. Murphy Professor of Civil Engineering and Materials Science in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University's Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science.
He has supervised 60 PhDs in addition to receiving six honorary doctorates of his own (ČVUT 1991, TU Karlsruhe 1997, CU Boulder 2000, Politecnico di Milano 2001, INSA Lyon 2004, and TU Vienna 2005).
Zdeněk Nejedlý | Zdeněk Nehoda | Zdeněk Burian | Zdeněk Tylšar | Zdeněk Fibich | Zdeněk Rohlíček | Zdeněk Pouzar | Zdeněk Nedvěd | Zdeněk Mácal | Zdeněk Kroupa | Zdenek Fibich |