
unusual facts about Politeness


Brown, P. and Levinson, S. (1987) Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage.


Politeness |

Alfred Conkling

Margaret Cockburn Conkling (also known as Mrs. Steele; born 27 January 1814; died 1890) became an accomplished author, with works such as The American Gentleman's Guide To Politeness and Fashion, Memoirs of the Mother and Wife of Washington (Auburn, N. Y., 1851-1853), Isabel; or, Trials of the Heart and a translation of Florian's History of the Moors of Spain.

Lord Charles Hay

According to the French accounts, of which Voltaire's is the best known, Lord Charles stepped from the ranks and, in response to a similar movement promptly made by the French commander, politely called to him to order his people to fire, but in reply was assured, with equal politeness, that the French guards never fired first.

see also