
unusual facts about Political system

Political system

George Washington, the first U.S. president was against the establishment of political parties in most circumstances and therefore belonged to no party.

Armand de Kersaint

He continued to devote himself to questions concerning the navy and national defense, prepared a report on the British political system and the navy, and caused a decree to be passed for the formation of a committee of general defense, which after many modifications was to become the Committee of Public Safety.

see also


According to political analyst James Fallows in The Atlantic, bipartisanship is a phenomenon belonging to a two-party system such as the political system of the United States and does not apply to a parliamentary system such as Great Britain, since the minority party is not involved in helping write legislation or voting for it.

Carlos Loret de Mola Mediz

Two members of his family continued their profession: his son, journalist and writer Rafael Loret de Mola, one of the toughest critics of the Mexican political system, and his grandson and son of Rafael, the television journalist Carlos Loret de Mola.

Chen Pokong

Topics of Chen's analysis include a range of contemporary topics involving the People's Republic of China and its political system, including: instability, corruption, economic affairs, military affairs, foreign relations, cross-Strait affairs, political reform, and strategic affairs.

China Policy Institute

Its Director is Steve Tsang, Professor of Contemporary Chinese Studies at the University of Nottingham and an Emeritus Fellow of St Antony's College, Oxford, known for summing up the nature of the political system in the People's Republic of China as a ‘consultative Leninist’ system, and for his works on Taiwan's democratisation and the history of Hong Kong.

Cliff Arnebeck

Disturbed at what he perceived as the behind the scenes manipulation of the political system, he filed a suit and successfully challenged the Ohio Chamber of Commerce's financing of the campaign in 2000 to defeat Justice Alice Robie Resnick, a Democrat.

Collective leadership

Its main task was to distribute powers and functions among the Politburo, the Central Committee, and the Council of Ministers to hinder any attempts to create a one-man dominance over the Soviet political system by a Soviet leader, such as that seen under Joseph Stalin's rule.

Elite party

A prominent example of a political system based on elite parties were the Hats and Caps parties in Sweden during the Age of Liberty (1719–1772).

Fidèle Moungar

Moungar's tenure in office was marked by confrontation with the President over the pace for adopting a multiparty political system, a confrontation that a Chadian journalist dates from June, when during a presidential visit to France Idriss Déby noted that Moungar was highly regarded by the French government.

Japanese political values

Observers such as journalist Karel van Wolferen, have concluded that Japan's political system is empty at the center, lacking real leadership or a locus of responsibility: "Statecraft in Japan is quite different from that in the rest of Asia, Europe, and the Americas. For centuries it has entailed the preservation of a careful balance of semiautonomous groups that share power… These semiautonomous components, each endowed with great discretionary powers, are not represented in one central ruling body."

Johan de Witt

De Witt controlled the Netherlands political system from around 1650 until shortly before his death in 1672 working with various factions from nearly all the major cities, especially his hometown, Dordrecht, and the city of birth of his wife, Amsterdam.

Mallig Plains

Mallig Plains Region, just like Metro Manila and Metro Cebu, is not an administrative political unit but an agglomeration of independent local government units (LGUs), the third level government in the Philippine political system.

Microcosmographia Academica

Although it was written for an audience familiar with the procedures of the University of Cambridge at the turn of the twentieth century, Microcosmographia Academica could apply to any political system and is reminiscent of the British television comedy Yes Minister; a portion of the dialogue in one episode of that programme, "Doing the Honours", closely follows Cornford's text.

Milan Kučan

This led to the collapse of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, one of the pillars of the political system of the Socialist Yugoslavia.

Mother and Child Scheme

Regarding healthcare, international trends such as in the National Health Service of the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe were noticed by the Irish political system.

National Popular Alliance

In 1974, the 19th of April Movement (M-19), a Colombian guerrilla group, came into the public scene and claimed that its struggle was a reaction to what it called the illegitimacy of the 1970 elections, the nation's bipartisan political system, and the National Front agreement that had supported them.

Orit Strook

After the Cave of the Patriarchs was closed for Jewish prayer following the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in 1994, Strook was elected as the head of the "Women's Committee for the Cave" (ועד נשים למען המערה), and worked to convince the political system to reopen the cave for Jewish visitors.

Participatory democracy

Participatory politics (or parpolity) is a long-range political theory that also incorporates many of the above and strives to create a political system that will allow people to participate in politics, as much as possible in a face-to-face manner.

Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China

According to informed academic observers such as Cheng Li, a scholar at Brookings Institution, and Susan Shirk of the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, rise in the Chinese political system and selection to the Standing Committee depends more on family connections and loyalty to powerful patrons than on ability.

Politics of Poland

The political system is defined in the Polish Constitution, which also guarantees a wide range of individual freedoms.

Politics of Vanuatu

The constitution created a republican political system headed by a president who has primarily ceremonial powers and is elected by a two-thirds majority in an electoral college consisting of members of Parliament and the presidents of Regional Councils.


A supporter of Populism, a political philosophy urging social and political system change that favors "the people" over "the elites", or favors the common people over the rich and wealthy business owners

Russian Soviet Government Bureau

A secret mission to Russia in March 1919 conducted by Wilson administration envoy William C. Bullitt to assess the economic and political system there ended in a negative report which accentuated various atrocities committed in the name of the Bolshevik regime, effectively removing any chance of formal recognition of the Martens initiative.


The Spaniards introduced Christianity and a political system of church-state dichotomy encountering fierce resistance in the devastating Moro wars from 1578 to 1899.


Voluntaryism – a libertarian socio-political system based on the absence of coercion by any arbitrary state or collective.

Zsuzsa Koncz

Zsuzsa Koncz (born 7 March 1946, Pély) is a Hungarian pop singer, whose lyrics (mostly written by János Bródy) were sometimes highly critical of the country's pre-1990 political system.